Título : ENSUEÑO ( 7´30″ ) Madrid 1998 poema de vídeo ópera electrónico / Title: Ensueño= by dreams video ópera electronic poem
Autor y realización / Directed by : Marisa González
Duración / Length: 07:30
Año / Year: 1993-98
Música / Músic: Pedro Garhel
Voz y performer / Voice and performer: Elena Montaña
Edición digital sonido / Sound digital edition: Hygo Wenterdal
Edición digital imagen / Digital images edition: Avid.
Master: Fotos digitales Lumena
Formatos / Formats: DVD
TV Systems: PAL
Este video se creó para la ópera «Escenas de la vida cotidiana» dirigida por Gregorio Esteban con música de Marisa Manchado, estrenada en el teatro de la Abadía en el Festival de Otoño en 1996 y en el Festival de Música Contemporánea de Alicante.
El video se modificó y repuso como producto autónomo y se presentó posteriormente en el Festival de Video de Canarias.
Titulado «Poema de video opera electrónico Ensueño».
Un personaje femenino, la compositora, está invadida de dudas profesionales, de identidad y sobre todo le obsesiona la incompatibilidad entre su profesión y la maternidad.
El subconsciente aliado con la tecnología pone en orden todo su potencial, e invadida de notas y sueños consigue llevar a cabo su proyecto de vida.
Consta de cientos de imágenes color estáticas capturadas mediante cámara de video, digitalizadas, manipuladas. y música vocal y coral creada específicamente para este video.
This work is part of an extended series of images generated through the computer system Lumena. This computer system, lets her investigate also the shape and the concept. This full series about clones are developed mainly in the field of photography, installations, slides and video projections.
This program breaks the real signs in to the simulated signs which is represented by fragmentation, serialization, multiplication of images and meanings.
The visual dialogue of the broken dreams is a project where the representation of the images is captured by a still video camera, manipulated and generated by the computer with the digital palette. The altered body is a cloned artifice as the register, the mark of the memory of the dreams.
Dreams, identities, meanings.
The structure of this video » by dreams» is articulated in three parts based in the women´s life where she claims the right to develop her dreams, and to break her silence, to register her identity her own territory, to expand the idea of growth, to rebuilt a new idealistic prototype, to follow a path of alteration of the establish order to a different code, a different language, to make her own rules. This new path, is a new way to create her own personal life, its own space, a room of her own.